In this second episode of Scientific Imagination, I will be talking to Stach Kuijpers, a PhD student at the Spectroscopy of Cold Molecules group of professor Bas v.d. Meerakker at the Radboud University Nijmegen. In his research, he studies the fundamental interaction between molecules by colliding them with one another. This study is part of the broader field of Molecular Physics, which lies somewhere in between physics and chemistry. As molecular physicist, Stach is occupied by two things: first he uses physics tools like lasers and electric fields to study molecules. Second, he uses these molecules as a testbed for interesting physics. What is the function of imagination in his field of research? And how could we, by learning about the smallest particles, learn more about the vast universe?


00:01:00 Introduction / 00:02:00 introduction colliding molecules / 00:04:00 Quantum computers / 00:07:00 New theories and imagination / 00:09:00 Interdisciplinary processes / 00:10:00 Stark-decelerator and visualization / 00:13:00 Peer review and a benchmark of imagination and theoretical validation / 00:17:00 Elegance / 00:18:00 Space and molecules / 00:23:00 Predicting the future / 00:26:00 Space as an algorithm: the definition of an algorithm? / 00:30:00 Further recommendations




Ants (personal favourite of Stach)

Research Group